This is my 2nd attempt as the 1st attempt has photos and words all over the place, up, down and sideways. Thanks to DebMarie and Carmen from my FAT group for detailed isntructions on how to do this right.
First my poem that will go with the postcards.
July 27, 2007
"Colors" by Deborah Ann Smith
To pick up a pencil and draw with no design in mind,
trying to capture the meaning is so hard to find.
Truly to see hope come alive,
through the struggle we do so strive.
In our eyes sometimes we do fail,
those that love say we prevail.
Yes hope is alive,
we see it all the time,
the colors of you and I and all of mankind.
My supplies:
PhotoFabric 100% silk Habotai 8-1/2" x 11", Kona cotton, original ATC, timtex, stiff craft fusible stabilizer, HeatnBond LITE (this does not gum up my needle), Neopastel Artists oil crayons, baby wipes (great tip by Heidi) black Sharpie pen, Stampabilities Postcard rubber stamp, Inkadinkado ink pad, Coats and Clark hand quilting multicolor thread. Sewing machine with foot off/shank on, iron. I use pressing cloths when ironing my pieces.

I printed a copy of my 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" ATC full size onto a 8 1/2" x 11" ready to print on silk.
I use my template to map out which part will be used in my postcard and pencil trace the outline. Peel the backing off and straighten as much as possible and lightly iron on heat and bond lite (tricky as this will melt into the fabric and give it a different feel and lose cohesion), cut postcard outline made and peel off backing. Place onto cotton and lightly iron to stick. With all the layers and heat and bond if done correctly you will have no problems sewing on your sewing machine. Iron the timtex onto this. I use the black Sharpie to define the lines and circles where I will be free motion embroider. (layers will be: silk, heatnbond, cotton, heatnbond, timtex, heatnbond, craft fusible, cotton. fuse the craft fusible to the cotton first before the heatnbond.)
Now I use my Neopastel oil crayons to color my piece in of color of my choice. This is the really fun part, put color on and use the baby wipe or your fingers to blend the colors in then I cover with the paper backing and iron the top of the postcard. Put more color on until I have the colors I like, light colors and stems and leaves.
Some more fun is fme-free motion embroidery with your thread choice. I free motion the black lines I drew in and the circles, stems and leaves.
I used a poem I made July 2007, made labels of them in different colors and printed them onto cardstock, ironed stiff craft stabilizer onto the back and sewn them onto my postcards.
To make the back of my postcard I used craft fusible stabilizer and cotton. I cut out my pieces 5 x 7 and fused the craft stabilizer onto the cotton and sewn a line down the middle. Once again I used heat and bond lite, fuse the back to the front.
To finish I trim flush to 4x6 or as close as I can to those dimensions and satin stitch the edge. Stamp Postcard, sign, date and sometimes name the piece.

Now here is a base that had gotten messed up printing but still came out beautifull after adding the colors to it.

All the Poetic Postcards together.
I hope the instructions are understandable for you and have fun making postcards!
I love these. I have Caran wax pastels and most of the other things. I will give it a go. thanks for the tutorial.
Hi Debbie,
Great tutorial, thanks.
I will link you to my blog and you can do same if you like.
Maggie ....
in sunny,cold,southern ontario, Canada
What a great tutorial!
I love your designs and colors.....reminds me of butterfly wings!
Your tutorial looks great! I've been wanting to do one for my little dolls maybe after seeing yours, I'll finally get to it!
...adding your blog today!
The Fairies Nest
Hi Debbie,
This is quite something!! Wow ... I saw your post in ACEO Etsy so came to check you out.
Very informative!! Thank you.
~ Diane Clancy
First of all, your postcards are very cool. But, also, the tutorial is great: very descriptive and detailed. I love all of the pictures you included.
wow! Super tutorial!!!
lots of talent in these!
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